ERA-NET NEURON Cofund2 – Midterm Symposium JTC 2022 ‘Cerebrovascular Diseases’ – May 15th – May 16th, 2025
ERA-NET NEURON Cofund2 – Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research – Midterm Symposium JTC 2022 ‘Cerebrovascular Diseases’
Event details:
- Date: May 15th – May 16th, 2025
- Riga, Latvia
- Venue: Riga, Latvia, University of Latvia, Raina Bulv 19, Riga LV-1050
General Information
Welcome to the NEURON Midterm symposium of the Joint transnational Call 2022 on May 15th to May 16th, 2025 in Riga, Latvia.
Please note that within this symposium consortia from this JTC will be present and provide presentations. Also, a networking event for Early Career Researchers is embedded in the symposium, also poster viewing, and different workshops.
Who is invited?
All Principle Investigators (PI) of consortia funded from the JTC 2022 are invited to attend the Mid- term symposium, as well as up to three early career researchers (ECRs) per consortium. These projects are running and the symposium offers the opportunity to present the progress to the international scientific community and the funding agencies of NEURON. Please remember that your attendance is mandatory according to the regulations defined in the respective call text.
Is attendance mandatory?
Attendance is mandatory for all PIs of the JCT 2022 projects. Attendance of ECRs is voluntary.
How to register?
Please register online.
- Please register latest by March 15th, 2025.
- PIs, please note that you will be asked to identify your accompanying early career researcher(s).
- Early career researchers, please note that you will need to provide an abstract for your poster presentation. The registration page provides a format for the abstract that must be uploaded together with the registration.
What to expect?
At the symposium there will be dedicated slots for oral presentations and poster presentations on the JTC 2022 projects, see tentative agenda below.
- Each coordinator or representative will be giving a 15min oral presentation about the project results and achievements, highlights, as well as future prospects.
- Each ECR will present a poster at one of the poster sessions either on May 15th or 16th and submit the according abstract until March 15th, 2025. Abstracts will be published and made available digitally and in print in the meeting’s abstract book.
Should the oral presentations (15 minutes) by the coordinators or representatives of the project have a certain format?
The oral presentations are part of the project monitoring for running projects. All projects and consortia might benefit from the broad networking in view of the international initiatives.
Please address the following issues in your talk according to the provided template/outline:
- What are the main achievements and highlights so far? Please keep in mind the audience’s various (scientific) backgrounds.
- Does the consortium have any plans to build on the results for future projects? What do you see as main impact of your research?
What is the required poster format?
Each ECR is obliged to present her/his/its work on the project as poster. Please bring your printed poster in A0 upright format to the meeting. Posters can be mounted on May 15th 2025 between 8:00 and 8:30 am. As your work is part of the NEURON JTC2022 call, please make sure to acknowledge this accordingly.
At the venue you will find a poster list and corresponding directions and instructions. Please, be present at your poster at the indicated time in the agenda and your poster number.
The best poster will be awarded!
Is an abstract of the poster required?
Yes, each registered ECR must submit an abstract of the poster during the registration process by March 15th, 2025. The registration page provides a format for the abstract that must be uploaded together with the registration.
For a fruitful exchange between the participants at the networking event workshops will be hosted. Here, a number of relevant issues will be discussed in small groups. In a wrap-up session the results on the discussed items will be briefly presented to the broad audience.
Will travel expenses be reimbursed?
As the meeting is mandatory for all PIs of running projects, the PI’s expenses regarding travel should be covered by the travel budget allocated to your project. Please confirm your attendance by March 15th 2025 via registration.
NEURON cordially invites early career researchers (doctorate students or PostDocs, up to three from each consortium) to participate in the symposium. The travel expenses of ONE ECR per consortium will be reimbursed by NEURON under the following conditions:
- Timely registration with a publishable abstract
- Poster presentation at the symposium
- Please arrange your travel and accommodation ASAP to keep costs low.
- According to the federal travel refund regulations, parking fees, internet access, meals and drinks are not refundable.
- NEURON reimburses up to two nights (including breakfast, but no other extra fees) as well as travel expenses (flights, public transport).
- Overall travel costs exceeding a total of 750 € have to be confirmed prior to booking and may be ineligible without official confirmation by the Secretariat.
Upon registration each ECR whose attendance has been confirmed by the respective PI will be provided with a travel reimbursement form. For reimbursement of expenses, you need to fill in the reimbursement form and send it as scancopy together with the receipts and boarding passes to the address provided on the form. The travel cost reimbursement must be sent to NEURON within latest six month after the midterm symposium.
Tentative Program
Contact information:
Contact information for the Midterm Symposium PI and ECR questions:
Gaëlle Dutour Provenzano
International scientific project manager
Health and Biology department
Agence Nationale de la Recherche
86 rue Regnault – 75013 PARIS
For the general organisation and travel cost reimbursement:
NEURON Coordination office
DLR Project Management Agency: Your reliable partner for research, education and innovation.
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
DLR Project Management Agency | Health Research | ERA-NET NEURON
Postal Address: Heinrich-Konen-Straße 1 | 53227 Bonn | Germany
Visitor Address: Heinrich-Konen-Straße 5 | 53227 Bonn | Germany
Travel Information
Where to go, where to stay?
Please find hotel suggestions later at this website.
Maps & Directions / Venue
Venue: Riga, Latvia, University of Latvia, Raina Bulv 19, Riga LV-1050
Graphhopper Routing (based on OpenStreetMap)
More detailed on traveling information you’ll find here: