European Research Infrastructures for neuroscience
Get an overview about the research infrastructures for neuroscience and brain research in Europe.
European Life Science Research Infrastructures (LS RIs) Catalogue of Services
It is meant to offer an overview of what kind of services (access to samples and technologies, data, tools, expertise etc.) are offered by biomedical research infrastructures, including information on access mode, costs and contacts. Potential JTC applicants can check whether a service might be included in the proposal’s workplan. Few examples of service pipelines involving different research infrastructures are also presented. Please note that as all the RIs are developing new services, the catalogue will be updated on a regular basis.
Human Brain Project
The Human Brain Project, the largest brain science project in Europe, has developed EBRAINS, an open European research infrastructure in the fields of neuroscience, computing and brain-related medicine. EBRAINS Data and Knowledge services facilitate sharing of and access to research data, computational models and software, ensuring data consistency and quality. Within EBRAINS it has been developed the open Metadata Initiative for Neuroscience Data Structures, openMINDS.
Virtual Brain Cloud
The Virtual Brain Cloud is a project of the EOSC and an infrastructure facility of EBRAINS. It integrates the data of large cohorts of patients in the field of neurodegeneratives diseases. It will develop and validate a decision support system, a cloud-based brain simulation platform, to support personalized diagnostics and treatments in neurodegeneratives diseases.
Regarding data management tools, ELIXIR-CONVERGE is a project funded by the European Commission to help standardise life science data management across Europe. To achieve this standardisation, the project has developed a data management toolkit for life scientists.
The MULTI-ACT Project has concluded with the launch of the MULTI-ACT Digital Toolbox, a web-based tool enabling easy navigation through the MULTI-ACT knowledge base. The toolbox, which is one of the project deliverables, is designed for use by organisations willing to conduct health research with a multi-stakeholder and co-accountable approach. The toolbox is user-friendly and contains explanations and recommendations at each stage. Its end goal is to facilitate the application of the CRIF and stakeholder engagement. The toolbox is freely accessible at