EPNA – ’Excellent Paper in Neuroscience Award’
The ERA-NET NEURON launches annual calls for EXCELLENT PAPER IN NEUROSCIENCE AWARD, EPNA. The call is targeted to early-career researches with tight guiding criteria. Early-career researchers can apply with their sole first author research articles in international peer review journals. The topic of the article must be relevant to disease-related, translational, neuroscience and the work must be done in an ERA-NET NEURON participant country. The awardee receives a prize of 3,000 €, and an invitation to present the paper at a conference, including travel support.
For the first time, the EPNA 2024 will also be awarded in the field of NEUROETHICS. The article should be relevant for ethical, philosophical, legal and socio-cultural aspects related to the neurosciences and their recent advances.
Every two years the EPNA-awardee is invited to the largest European conference in the neuroscience field, FENS-Forum (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies), giving the awardee a possibility to present her/his results to a large scientific audience. Thus, the call and the award ceremony are aimed to increase the attractiveness of neuroscience research within the early-career researchers, raise the awareness of the talented awardees and their excellent scientific results to a larger audience.
Open EPNA calls
Currently no open EPNA calls
Note, that the Award is granted in the year following the open EPNA call.