abstract head with glowing dots
© Adobe Stock/pickup


Research into the diseases of the brain benefits from joint funding schemes by networks of funding agencies and ministries in Europe and beyond the European borders. The ERA-Net NEURON Cofund2, as a funding platform focused on neurological and mental disorders, holds a strategic position in bringing pre-clinical and clinical research communities closer together and fostering translational research, while covering the entire value chain.



EPNA Awardees

Open Call

Deadline: April 30, 2025 (10:00 PM UTC)

New Video Series


Biomedical Call | Status: Open

2025 „Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Neuroscience of Pain“

Deadline: 6.3.2025 | 2pm Berlin Time



Data Management Plan development toolkit: Data Stewardship Wizard

Success Stories

Group photo: AUTISYN consortium. Geert Vandeweyer, Michele Gabriele, Pierre-Luc Germain, Alessandro Vitriolo, Giuseppe Testa, Illana Gozes, Danilla Pallotta, Frank Kooy, Anke Van Dijck, Elisa Cappuyns, Christopher Pearson; © AUTISYN Consortium
Group photo: AUTISYN consortium. Geert Vandeweyer, Michele Gabriele, Pierre-Luc Germain, Alessandro Vitriolo, Giuseppe Testa, Illana Gozes, Danilla Pallotta, Frank Kooy, Anke Van Dijck, Elisa Cappuyns, Christopher Pearson; © AUTISYN Consortium

Project AUTISYN: Modelling Syndromic Autism Caused By Mutations in the ADNP Gene

AUTISYN, a multinational collaboration funded under NEURON’s JTC2015, aimed at studying the ADNP gene and its implications in autism.

NIBS involves delivering weak electrical currents to specific areas of the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp.
CURRENT complete set-up. Illustrated in the image are a neoprene cap, tablet, and tDCS device (Starstim-Home Neuroelectrics), along with QR-like markers used for evaluating cap placement. © Project DiSCoVeR

Project DiSCoVeR: Examining the synergistic effects of a cognitive control videogame and a home-based, self-administerd non-invasive brain stimulation on alleviating depression

DiSCoVeR, a multinational collaboration funded under NEURON’s JTC2018 call, is set to examine the effects of a novel, home-based treatment approach to alleviate depression. To achieve this, a videogame training cognitive control combined with non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) is self-applied by the patients in the comfort of their home, offering promising prospects for wider accessibility, compliance and effectiveness.

Brain figure and small figures of doctors
© Adobe Stock/Sirichai Puangsuwan

ELSA Project PNS: Psychiatric Neurosurgery ─ Ethical, Legal and Societal Issues

Project PNS is a multinational collaboration funded under NEURON’s JTC2015 co-funded call for research projects on ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) of neuroscience. The project goals were investigating ethical, legal, and societal issues of all kinds of contemporary psychiatric neurosurgery (PNS) and publishing recommendations for a responsible use of PNS.

© Neil S. Graham, Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, UK

Project BIO-AX-TBI: Developing and Validating Blood and Imaging Biomarkers of Axonal Injury Following Traumatic Brain Injury

BIO-AX-TBI, a multinational collaboration funded under NEURON’s JTC2016 co-funded call, aimed at finding applicable ways to measure axonal injury for guiding treatment choices and predicting the recovery of Traumatic Brain Injury patients.

Nerve cell processes (axons) grow from right to left across a spinal cord injury lesion site surrounded by astrocytes
© Brett Hilton

Project AxonRepair – Spinal cord repair: releasing the neuron-intrinsic brake on axon regeneration

AxonRepair, a multinational collaboration funded under NEURON’s JTC2016 co-funded call, aims to promote axon regeneration in the spinal cord.

© Bernhard Sabel

REVIS (‘Restoration of Vision after Stroke’)

A man sits at a machine called a Humphrey, his head leans on the machine as his finger clicks when he sees a light pulses. He tells us in voiceover to the images we are watching…

brain illustration
© Adobe Stock/Anita Ponne


MESCOG (‘Mechanisms of small vessel related brain damage and cognitive impairment: integrating imaging findings from genetic and sporadic disease‘)…

© Angel Barco

A Neuron 2012 paper on research funded under the frame of ERA-NET NEURON

The research of Hebrew University neurobiologist Prof. Nelken, who led a team investigating brain activity in the auditory cortex of rat brains,could in the long term lead to…

Video about NEURON

ERA-NET NEURON published an information film on the network activities.