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With the support of funding provided through the framework programme Horizon 2020 by the European Commission, NEURON Cofund will sustain and expand the collaboration of funding agencies and ministries created in the previous two phases NEURON I and NEURON II. The work programme of NEURON Cofund consists of two parts: A) a Joint Transnational Call for proposals in collaboration with the EU Commission and B) additional activities. The related tasks are organised in eight work packages (WP).
Network coordination and management (Work Package – WP1)
This WP sets the ground for all organizational structures of the NEURON Cofund network. Essential elements of management are communication, the web-based exchange platform, regular meetings, and financial controlling.
To continue the existing management structures and activities coordinating 23 funding organizations from 17 countries in NEURON Cofund.
To provide services to the successful implementation of all other work packages.
Co-funded JTC 2016 (Work packages 2-5)
The WPs 2-5 are dedicated to the implementation of the co-funded JTC 2016. The tasks encompassed in these WPs include preparation and launch of the call, coordination of the peer-review process, monitoring as well as exploitation and dissemination of results. The objectives are:
Work package 2 (Co-funded JTC: preparation, launch, and dissemination):
to launch a co-funded JTC on ‘External Insults to the Nervous System’
to set-up a Joint Call Secretariat and all the administrative tools needed for launch implementation, and dissemination
to develop the co-funded call documents and decide on related procedures
to provide support for researchers during the application process.
Work package 3 (Co-funded JTC: peer review, project selection, and negotiation):
to implement the co-funded joint call
to coordinate the proposal selection during the peer-review process
to ensure the funding of the best projects in accordance with the call specification
Work package 4 (Co-funded JTC: call follow-up and monitoring):
to statistically analyse the submitted and selected proposals
to evaluate the lessons learned of the call process
to collect the project results through written reports at different time frames
to organise a mid-term symposium for funded projects
to evaluate the impact of the project results at the end of the projects.
Work package 5 (Co-funded JTC: communication, exploitation, and dissemination of results):
to report to the public about the use of public funding and the project results by means of (i) lay articles and (ii) newsletters on the activities, highlights and results of the funded projects
to collate the individual projects’ information (persons/groups involved, topics) to the available databases
to disseminate results to the scientific community, stakeholders, and patient organisations
Participants in NEURON Cofund
The FWF is an autonomous fund for the support and the promotion of basic research in all fields of Science and the Humanities.
The Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS) is a research funding agency that promotes and supports basic scientific research in the French-speaking Community of Belgium. Founded in 1928, it mainly receives public subsidies, currently from the French-speaking Community of Belgium, the Walloon Region and the Federal Government of Belgium. The Fund supports individual researchers on the basis of the criterion of excellence by offering temporary or permanent positions; funding to research teams; grants and credits for international collaboration and scientific prizes.
The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) is an independent agency, founded in 1928, that supports fundamental research in all disciplines in Flanders. The FWO provides the necessary funding on the basis of an interuniversity selection with scientific excellence as the only criterion.
CIHR’s mandate is to excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 160 Elgin Street, 9th Floor Address Locator 4809A Ottawa, ON, K1A 0W9 Canada Grants & awards information Telephone: 613-954-1968 Toll Free: 1-888-603-4178 (press 1) info@cihr-irsc.gc.ca
The Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRQS) is the funding agency for health research in the Province of Québec and reports to the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade. Its mandate is to promote and provide funding for research, to disseminate knowledge, to train researchers, and to establish the partnerships required for developing Québec’s research and innovation system and the international reach of Québec research. The FRQS offers financial support for all areas of research in the field of health.
The Academy of Finland provides funding for high-level scientific research, acts as a science and science policy expert and works to strengthen the position of science and research.
Academy of Finland Hakaniemenranta 6 POB 131 00531 Helsinki FINLAND Fon: +358 9 77488255 Fax: +358 9 77488395
L’Agence Nationale de la Recherche – ANR – établissement public à caractère administratif créé le 1er janvier 2007 est une agence de financement de projets de recherche.
The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research) is a government-funded research organisation, under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of Research.
Innovations in health research contribute to enhancing the quality of life for people of all ages, women, men and children, and at the same time help to secure the financial viability of the health system. Health research is therefore of great significance. It is developing new or improved diagnostic procedures and therapies in order to help sick people more effectively. And it is searching for new ways in the field of prevention to stop diseases from occurring altogether. http://www.gesundheitsforschung-bmbf.de/
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Federal Ministry of Education and Research Hannoversche Straße 28-30 10115 Berlin Germany Fon: +49 1888 57-0 Fax: +49 1888 57-0
The project management agency within the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is a service organisation for the promotion of research, training and science. We conduct national and international tasks in the areas of project management and research promotion.
The Chief Scientist is appointed by the Minister of Health to counsel the Minister on matters concerning medical research. Hence the Office of the Chief Scientist (CSO) is an important junction point for all issues concerning medical research in Israel and its advancement. The main mission of the CSO is to administer the Chief Scientist’s Research Fund, a key source for funding of medical research in Israel.
The aim of the research policy funded by the Ministry of health is to promote and improve a high quality scientific research in medical and services sectors in order to improve the population welfare state.
The State Education Development Agency (VIAA) is an institution which is subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia.
The aim of the activities of SEDA is to implement the national policy in the field of development of higher education and science, lifelong learning system, vocational education system and general education system and to implement and monitor projects financed by European Union (EU) Structural Funds, education innovation projects, EU RDI programmes and other programmes, projects and initiatives.
The Brain Foundation Netherlands is doing everything it can to keep brains healthy, heal brain disorders, and improve patient care. To achieve this, we commission research, provide educational information, and carry out innovative projects.
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research is one of the most important science-funding bodies in the Netherlands and ensures quality and innovation in science. Each year NWO invests more than 650 million euros in curiosity-driven research and research related to societal challenges. NWO selects and funds research proposals based on the advice of Dutch and international experts from science and society. NWO encourages national and international collaboration, invests in large-scale research facilities, promotes knowledge utilisation, and manages research institutes. NWO funds more than 5600 research projects.
The Research Council of Norway (RCN) is a national strategic and funding agency for research activities, and a chief source of advice on and input into research policy for the Norwegian Government, the central government administration and the overall research community. It is the task of RCN to identify Norway’s research needs and recommend national priorities. Using targeted funding schemes, the Council helps to translate national research policy goals into action. RCN provides a central meeting place for researchers, users of research and research funders and actively promotes the internationalisation of Norwegian research.
The Research Council of Norway P.O Box 564 N-1327 Lysaker, Norway Visiting address: Drammensveien 288, 0283 Oslo Telephone: +47 22 03 70 00 E-Mail: post@forskningsradet.no
The National Centre for Research and Development is the implementing agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. It was appointed in the summer 2007 as an entity in charge of the performance of the tasks within the area of national science, science and technology and innovation policies. When if was founded, it was the first entity of this type, created as the platform of an effective dialogue between the scientific and business communities.
Narodowe Centrum Badan i Rozwoju National Centre for Research and Development ul. Nowogrodzka 47a 00-695, Warszawa Poland Tel.: +48 22 39 07 401 Fax: +48 22 20 13 408
The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) started its operations in August 1997. It succeeds Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (JNICT). The mission of FCT consists in continuously promoting the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge in Portugal, exploring opportunities that become available in any scientific or technological domain to attain the highest international standards in the creation of knowledge, and to stimulate their diffusion and contribution to improve education, health, environment, and the quality of life and well being of the general public.
The National Centre for Programme Management (CNMP), Romania, is a legal Romanian public body established by the Government to coordinate research programmes under the National Plan(s) for Research, Development & Innovation.
National Centre for Programmes Management 21-25 Mendeleev Street 010362 Bucharest Romania
The Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), a governmental research organization, is the recognized leading research and scientific institution in Slovakia. The SAS as a funding body supports those scientific disciplines which have attained international level and which are deemed necessary for the advancement of Slovakia.
Slovak Academy of Sciences Štefánikova 49 814 38 Bratislava 1 Slovak Republic E-mail: barancik@up.upsav.sk Phone: +421-2-57510 137 Fax: +421-2-57510 602 Webpage: http://www.sav.sk
The national Spanish strategy for research funding is defined, each four years, in ‘The National Plan for Research and Development’. Within the National Plan, there are four main funding initiatives: – National Programmes – Strategic Actions – Training and Mobility Programmes – Infrastructures and Large Equipments.
The National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) is the scientific and technical body to support the National Health System (NHS) and the main Public Research funder of biomedical and health research in Spain.
ISCIII is an independent organization with its own legal personality and reports directly to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Royal Decree 345/2012) and to the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Royal Decree 200/2012). Its key mission is to support the development of scientific knowledge in the health sciences and to contribute to innovation in healthcare and prevention of disease.
TÜBİTAK is the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Turkey. It’s mission is to develop scientific and technological policies and in cooperation with all sectors; contribute to establishment of infrastructure and instruments to implement said policies; support and conduct research and development activities; and to play a leading role in the creation of a science and technology culture with the aim of improving the competitive power and prosperity. It not only supports innovation, academic and industrial R&D studies but also, develops scientific and technological policies and manages R&D institutes.
The Medical Research Council (MRC) is a publicly-funded organisation dedicated to improving human health. We support research across the entire spectrum of medical sciences, in universities and hospitals, in our own units and institutes in the UK, and in our units in Africa.
Medical Research Council 20 Park Crescent London W1B 1AL Fon: +44 20 7636 5422 Fax: +44 20 7436 6179
Former Participants
The Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) supports research, research studies, technical development and innovation in Iceland. RANNIS cooperates closely with the Icelandic Science and Technology Policy Council and provides professional assistance the preparation and implementation of science and technology policy in Iceland. RANNIS administers competitive funds and strategic research programmes, coordinates and promotes Icelandic participation in collaborative international projects in science and technology, monitors resources and performance in R&D and promotes public awareness of research and innovation in Iceland.
National Research Fund (FNR) The National Research Fund was set up in 1999 in order to stimulate research activities in Luxembourg with the aim: to create new competence and knowledge, to strengthen existing competence and knowledge, and to develop national and international synergies in order to increase the attractiveness of Luxembourg as a scientific and economic site of excellence.
Fonds National de la Recherche 6, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry B.P. 1777 1017 Luxembourg Luxembourg Fon : +352 26 19 25-1 Fax : +352 26 19 25-35 email : info@fnr.lu
The Swedish Research Council is a government agency under the Ministry of Education and Research. The Swedish Research Council is funding basic research of the highest scientific quality in all disciplines via its three Scientific Councils for Humanities and Social Sciences, Medicine, Natural and Engineering Sciences, as well as via the Committees for Educational Science and Research Infrastructures. The Swedish Research Council has a national responsibility to support and develop basic research and promote research innovation and research communication.