Recap: ERA Net NEURON meeting from May 14th to May 17th, 2024 in Berlin

Several events shaped the recent meeting of the ERA Net NEURON meeting in Berlin at the Medical History Museum of the Charité (photo 2, 3).

The NEURON Network Steering Committee meeting on May 14th, 2024 was opened by Dr. Ulrike Busshoff (DLR-PT, Germany), the new coordinator of the network (photo 3, 4, 5, 6).

Top of the many items to be discussed was the participation of ERA Net NEURON partners in the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) BrainHealth.

EU flag and Germany flag
photo 1: © DLR-PT
Building with sign "Hörsaal Ruine"
photo 2: “Hörsaal Ruine”, © DLR-PT
Charité event room
photo 3: Charité event room, © DLR-PT
Presentation of ERA-NET NEURON in Berlin at Network Stering Committee
photo 4: Presentation of ERA-NET NEURON in Berlin at Network Stering Committee, © DLR-PT
Dr. Ulrike Busshoff (DLR-PT, Germany)
photo 5: Dr. Ulrike Busshoff (DLR-PT, Germany), © DLR-PT
Dr. Ulrike Busshoff (DLR-PT, Germany)
photo 6: Dr. Ulrike Busshoff (DLR-PT, Germany), © DLR-PT
Erkki Raulo (AKA, Finland)
photo 7: Erkki Raulo (AKA, Finland), © DLR-PT
Discussion with the audience
photo 8: Discussion with the audience, © DLR-PT
Hella Lichtenberg (DLR-PT, Germany)
photo 9: Hella Lichtenberg (DLR-PT, Germany), © DLR-PT

This was followed by the discussion of the ERA Net NEURON’s participation at the upcoming FENS FORUM in Vienna (link auf die entsprechende News), presented by Erkki Raulo (AKA, Finland)(photo 7).

Next, Hella Lichtenberg (DLR-PT, Germany) (photo 9), reported on the recent ERA Net NEURON ‘Open Science’ workshop for funded projects of the JTC 2023 ‘Resilience and vulnerability in mental health’ and ‘Ethical, legal, and social aspects of neuroscience’ (ELSA2023). The workshop was organized on February 21st – 22nd, 2024 in Berlin and the hosted by the Center for Responsible Research (QUEST).

The coordinators or representatives of 13 biomedical and three ELSA projects discussed matters of experimental design, public and patient involvement (PPI) in research, the European Research Infrastructure INFRAFRONTIER, the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA), and the German Mouse Clinic. Not least, the ‘hands-on’ workshop included a tutorial session on generation of a Data Management Plan. Besides support for the newly selected projects in starting their projects, all participants had appreciated the opportunity for networking. The Open Science’ workshops are part of ERA Net NEURON’s strategy to implement Responsible Research Innovation (RRI) and are organized already in their 5th year.

About the new, dynamic format of the ERA Net NEURON’s lay lectures informed Etienne Hirsch (INSERM, France) (photo 10). The new format includes interviews with single researchers answering questions and will be provided by NEURON’s YouTube channel. Already first interviews were recorded at the Foresight symposium on May 15th, 2024.

Not least, Catherine Marquer (ANR, France) (photo 11) informed the ERA Net NEURON partners on the modalities of the Midterm symposium organisation.

Etienne Hirsch (INSERM, France)
photo 10: Etienne Hirsch (INSERM, France), © DLR-PT
Catherine Marquer (ANR, France) , © DLR-PT
Catherine Marquer (ANR, France) , © DLR-PT
Marlies Dorlöchter (DLR-PT, Germany)
photo 12: Marlies Dorlöchter (DLR-PT, Germany), © DLR-PT
Ulrike Busshoff (DLR-PT, Germany) thanked Marlies Dorlöchter for 20 years NEURON coordinaton
photo 13: Ulrike Busshoff (DLR-PT, Germany) thanked Marlies Dorlöchter for 20 years NEURON coordination © DLR-PT
Etienne Hirsch (INSERM, France) and Marlies Dorlöchter
Etienne Hirsch (INSERM, France) and Marlies Dorlöchter, © DLR-PT

Finally, the meeting closed with a Farewell ceremony for Marlies Dorlöchter (DLR-PT, Germany) (photo 12) who retired in April 2024. As special guest Tim Raemaekers from the European Commission expressed his thanks for the very efficient past collaboration.

All ERA Net NEURON partners and the new coordinator, Ulrike Busshoff (DLR-PT, Germany) thanked Marlies Dorlöchter for 20 years NEURON coordination (photo 13) with a large collection of spring flowers.