NEURON hosted the ‘Open Science’ workshop on February 21st – 22nd, 2024 in Berlin
NEURON organized on February 21st – 22nd, 2024 the ‘Open Science’ workshop for funded projects of the JTC 2023 ‘Resilience and vulnerability in mental health’ and ‘Ethical, legal, and social aspects of neuroscience’ (ELSA 2023). The workshop was hosted by the Center for Responsible Research (QUEST) in Berlin. The coordinators or representatives of 13 biomedial and three ELSA projects discussed matters of experimental design, public and patient involvement (PPI) in research, the European Research Infrastructure INFRAFRONTIER, the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA), and the German Mouse Clinic.
Not least, the ‘hands-on’ workshop included a tutorial session on generation of a Data Management Plan. As Professor Muriel Koehl, coordinator of the consortium ResiPres (Neurological basis of resilience/vulnerability to prenatal stress in mice) pointed out: “The workshop was really well organized and of high quality, and I enjoyed my time in Berlin.” Besides support for the newly selected projects in starting their projects, all participants appreciated the opportunity for networking.
The Open Science’ workshops are part of ERA Net NEURON’s strategy to implement Responsible Research Innovation (RRI) and organized already in their 5th year. This year, as a novum, representatives of the ELSA project participated, further increasing the interdisciplinarity.