Networking meeting at 11th FENS FORUM
Amidst the dense scientific program of the 11th FENS FORUM in Berlin the next generation networking event was a joint undertaking by ERA-NET NEURON, CHET, NENS and HBP. As a networking support to early career researchers the event provided a field of opportunity for young-minded neuroscientists to meet in a relaxed setting. Students, post-docs and PI’s curious about potential collaboration or career options enjoyed the short introductions by the organizers. More than 200 young neuroscientists participated in the event interested in networking and developing their career perspectives in the field of human mind, disease related neurosciences, or basic and translational neuroscience.

Menno Witter, Chair, FENS Committee of Higher Education and Training (CHET) presented the activities of FENS-CHET with regard to Training & Education and career perspectives. CHET provides travel grants for attending Neuroscience training events as well the CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Program offering state-of-the-art hands-on training courses in neuroscience.
Marlies Dorloechter, coordinator ERA-NET Neuron, presented the early career support and other activities in the ERA-NET Neuron, Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research. Dr. Dorloechter pointed out the usefulness of joint transnational calls for research funding as avenues for PI’s in their early career stages to network and find support for their research.
As participant in the 2018 Cajal Course in Neurodevelopment which was sponsored by ERA-NET NEURON young researcher Sebnem met Marlies Dorlöchter at the FENS FORUM. Her impressions on the course were indeed positive with good campus and facility, perfect organization and straight working projects in a motivating environment. Without NEURON’s support Sebnem would not have attended the course.
Some impressions from the event: