FENS-FORUM for Neuroscience Copenhagen, Sunday, 3 July 2016

As a concrete and dedicated form of support to early career researchers the event provided a field of opportunity for young-minded neuroscientists to meet in a relaxed setting during the tough scientific program of the FENS FORUM. Students, post-docs and PI’s curious about potential collaboration or career options enjoyed the short introductions by the organizers. More than 300 young neuroscientists participated in the event interested in networking and developing their career perspectives in the field of human mind, disease related neurosciences, or basic and translational neuroscience.

Menno Witter, Chair, FENS Committee of Higher Education and Training (CHET) presented the activities of FENS-CHET with regard to Training & Education and career perspectives. CHET provides travel grants for attending Neuroscience training events as well the CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Program offering state-of-the-art hands-on training courses in neuroscience.

Marlies Dorlöchter at FENS FORUM 2016
Marlies Dorlöchter at FENS FORUM 2016; © ERA-NET NEURON

Marlies Dorloechter, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Project Management Agency, Health Research, presented the early career support and other activities in the ERA-NET Neuron, Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research. Dr. Dorloecther pointed out the usefulness of joint transnational calls for research funding as avenues for PI’s in their early career stages to network and find support for their research.

Asla Pitkänen, Member of the Steering Committee, Human Mind Research Project presented the Human Mind Research Programme. Prof Pitkänen emphasized the importance of networking for the young scientist’s career: “be aware that your potential future collaborator may just be standing next to you in a conference like this one”.

Sadaf Ghorbani from Bergen, Norway participated in the Next Generation Networks in Neuroscience event interested learn about training and career opportunities and to meet fellow neuroscientists.


People networking at FENS FORUM 2016
Marlies Dorlöchter, Mikko Ylikangas and Asla Pitkänen at FENS FORUM 2016; © ERA-NET NEURON
Participants at FENS FORUM 2016
Participants at FENS FORUM 2016; © ERA-NET NEURON
Networking at FENS FORUM 2016
Sadaf Ghorbani at FENS FORUM 2016
Sadaf Ghorbani at FENS FORUM 2016; © ERA-NET NEURON