EPNA 2023 Award goes to Dr. Ana Dorrego-Rivas from the University of Bordeaux, INSERM Neurocentre Magendie, France
The EPNA 2023 goes to Dr. Ana Dorrego-Rivas from the University of Bordeaux, INSERM Neurocentre Magendie, France, for her paper: ‘The core PCP protein Prickle2 regulates axon number and AIS maturation by binding to AnkG and modulating microtubule bundling, Science Advances, 2022, Vol 8, issue 36. See the publication here.
The award emphasizes the importance of research into brain function and its diseases and is designed as a form of support and encouragement for early-career researchers at the early stage of their career and was awarded at the “Excellent Paper in Neuroscience” special lecture during the FENS Forum on 29th of June 2024, in Vienna, Austria.
In our publication we show a new and crucial role for the ASD and epilepsy-related protein Prickle-2 on neuronal polarity establishment and axon initial segment formation and function.
This Award represents an outstanding recognition to our work and to my career as a young researcher.

EPNA 2023 Award ceremony at FENS 2024 Forum | June 29th 2024
At the FENS FORUM 2024 in Vienna the award ceremony was held as special lecture.
The award emphasizes the importance of research into brain function and its diseases and will contribute to integrate the neuroscience research community. The award is designed as a form of support and encouragement for early-career researchers at the early stage of their career.
Dr. Dorrego-Rivas is a neuroscientist at the Centre for developmental neurobiology, King’s College London, UK. She got her PhD from the University of Bordeaux, where she made key discoveries about the role of Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) molecules in the establishment of neuronal polarity and the development of the axon initial segment (AIS). She received the award for her publication: ‘The core PCP protein Prickle2 regulates axon number and AIS maturation by binding to AnkG and modulating microtubule bundling, Science Advances, 2022, Vol 8, issue 36.
The special lecture and award ceremony was opened by Dr. Ulrike Busshoff, the coordinator of ERA-NET NEURON with an overview of the NEURON network activities.
Foto_113908 The EPNA was introduced by Dr. Erkki Raulo, the Finnish initiator of the NEURON award program which he presented as a continuous highlight to honor outstanding research achievements by early career scientists, and introduced the award lecture. The award honors the first authorship of a researcher under 35 years of age in a high impact journal within the first five years after dissertation. Since 2009 the ERA-NET NEURON launches annual calls for the early-career scientists as supportive measure to add to the research funding activities of the network.