The EPNA 2012 Award ceremony at the ERA-NET NEURON MidTerm Symposium JTC2009 in Bokek, Israel | 2013
The 2012 EPNA was awarded on January 8th, 2013 in Ein Bokek, Israel. The three young authors, Anat London, Elena Itskovich, and Inbal Benhar from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel who contributed equally to the paper: "Neuroprotection and progenitor cell renewal in the injured adult murine retina requires healing monocyte-derived macrophages" in the JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 208, 2011 were honoured in an evening ceremony within a scientific symposium of the NEURON Joint Transnational Call 2009 “New Technologies”.
Dr. Benny Leshem, Chief Scientist Office at MOH, Israel, opened the ceremony.
The ERA-NET NEURON partner countries issue the EXCELLENT PAPER IN NEUROSCIENCE AWARD to recognize the most remarkable and outstanding scientific publications by young researchers in the field of disease related neurosciences. First authors of candidate publications affiliated in the call partner countries are eligible to apply. In recent years the call was launched in spring and the deadline for proposal submission was in autumn of the same year for papers published the year before.
Since 2009 the ERA-NET NEURON launches annual calls for an "EXCELLENT PAPER IN NEUROSCIENCE AWARD". As Dr. Marlies Dorlöchter, the coordinator of NEURON, pointed out: "This young scientist supportive measure adds very well to the research funding activities of our network". The EPNA emphasizes the importance of research into brain function and its diseases and will contribute to integrate the neuroscience research community. The award is designed as a form of support and encouragement for young researchers at the early stage of their career.
The Award is administered at the Academy of Finland (AKA) and Dr Erkki Raulo, responsible for the management of the award within ERA-NET NEURON presented the “Excellent Paper in Neuroscience Award” as a continuous highlight to honour outstanding research achievements by younger generation scientists. He introduced the special lecture on behalf of the organizers.
In her lecture Dr. London explored on the ”Immune system orchestrates neuroprotection, repair and cell renewal in the injured CNS".