ELSA-EPNA 2024 goes to Dr. Renée Harting from University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
The ELSA-EPNA 2024 goes to Dr. Renée Harting from the University of Tübingen and University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Germany for her paper:
"A framework and resource for global collaboration in nonhuman primate neuroscience", Current Research in Neurobiology, Vol. 4, 100079, 2023. Neurology, 101, 20, e1970-e1978, 2023.
See the publication here.
The award emphasizes the importance for ethical, philosophical, legal and socio-cultural aspects related to the neurosciences and their recent advances and is designed as a form of support and encouragement for early-career researchers at the early stage of their career. Dr. Hartig is invited as special lecturer at the International Neuroethics Society (INS) conference (23-25 April 2025).