Pre-proposal template and online submission
The coordinator of the consortium composes one joint pre-proposal by completing the ELSA pre-proposal template. The coordinator then converts the word-document to a pdf-document to submit it to the ELSA Neuroscience Joint Call Secretariat via the electronic submission system.
Please note that further information is required online by the electronic submission system to complete the submission. It is thus strongly recommended to register early for the electronic submission system and to check out all information required. The pre-proposal may be uploaded and changed again, unless you press the button ‘final submission’ / unless the deadline has passed.
The deadline for the electronic proposal submission is on
March-09, 2015, 14:00 (CET).
For help with the submission process please contact:
Dr. Svenja Krebs
ELSA Neuroscience Joint Call Secretariat
Project Management Agency - Health Research (DLR-PT)
Phone: +49 228 3821-1866
Fax: +49 228 3821-1257