Find below details on the call’s implementation:


The timeline of the JTC2008 “Neurodegeneration” is shown below:

Oct-15, 2007Scientific workshop "Neurodegeneration”, Paris, France
Jan-18, 2008Call for proposals published
April-7, 2008Deadline for submission
June-16/17, 2008Peer Review Panel meeting, selection of a short list of 19 projects
Sep-10, 2008Funding decision
Feb-01, 2009Start of projects

Proposal submission, peer review process, funding decision

Proposal submission

Research consortia had to consist of three to five research groups from at least three NEURON partner countries. The one-step process required submission of full proposals only. Proposals had to be submitted by the coordinator electronically and in a few paper copies. A proposal template and guidelines were provided by the Joint Call Secretariat in order to support the applicants in terms of the proposal format.

Peer Review

In order to properly cover all aspects of the broad topic 'neurodegeneration' 42 experts were recruited from NEURON partner countries and beyond. Of these, 16 served on the Peer Review Panel (PRP). Each proposal was assessed in writing by at least two, most of them by three evaluators. The assessments were based on the criteria listed in the call for proposals and consisted of a global score of 1-10 (10 being best) and additional comments. They were used as a basis for the PRP meeting. Proposals with clearly negative and consistent comments and scores were rejected without further discussion (23). The remaining 36 proposals were discussed in detail, resulting in a short list of 19 excellent to very good proposals, which were recommended for funding.

Funding decision and granting process

The final funding decision was made by the funding bodies participating in the joint call for proposals. Starting with the best proposal and following the ranking list, as many proposals were selected for funding as the budgetary constraints of each funding organization allowed for.

In result of this step, 12 consortia comprising 45 research groups from ten countries were successful. The total funding volume amounted to 10.3 million euros for three years.

In the last step, the Principal Investigators were to contact the respective funding body in their country to fulfill the legal and administrative requirements in order to receive the grant.

The projects started in February 2009.

Funding organisations supporting this call

Thirteen funding organisations from eleven countries participated in the first ERA-NET NEURON Joint call “Neurodegeneration”.

The graphic shows the funding organisations supporting this call.
Funding organisations supporting this call. © ERA-NET NEURON