Proposal templates and submission for the 2022 “Cerebrovascular Diseases“ call
For submitting a pre-proposal, please download the pre-proposal template and follow the instructions outlined in the template.
The coordinator of the consortium composes one joint pre-proposal by completing the pre-proposal template. The coordinator then converts the word-document to a pdf-document to submit it via the electronic submission system. Please note that further information is required online by the electronic submission system to complete the submission. It is thus strongly recommended to register early for the electronic submission system and to check out all information required. The pre-proposal may be uploaded and changed again, unless you press the button ‘final submission’ / unless the deadline has passed.
The deadline for the electronic proposal submission is
08 March 2022, 2pm Berlin time
For your information about the requirements in the full proposal stage, the full proposal template is also available for download:
Full proposals will be accepted only from those applicants explicitly invited by the Joint Call Secretariat to submit them after evaluation of the pre-proposals.
At full proposal stage, information about your proposal in lay terms must be submitted using the following template:
A detailed DMP (Data Management Plan) should be submitted by the consortium coordinator of each project selected for funding within 6 months after the project official start date. It is strongly encouraged to use an assistance tool for the DMP development. To get started, please have a look at the Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW). For more details click here.
For help with the submission process please contact:
NEURON Call Secretariat
Dr Rajaa Aouache
Agence Nationale de La Recherche (ANR), FRANCE
Phone: + 33 1 72 73 06 73