2012 "Novel Methods"
Novel Methods and Approaches towards the Understanding of Brain Diseases
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Novel Methods and Approaches towards the Understanding of Brain Diseases
New technologies are the key for scientific breakthroughs - opening up new avenues for better understanding brain function, as well as diagnosing and treating brain diseases. The ERA-NET NEURON has therefore chosen this topic to promote small transnational research consortia developing novel methods and approaches in the field of disease-related brain disorders. Research projects must be hypothesis-driven and have to combine cutting edge technological developments with a clear, substantial research question in the field of brain diseases. There is no sharp restriction concerning the specific methodologies or approaches used in the projects, although a clear justification is required that clearly shows why the approach/methodology is novel or that existing methodology will be applied to a new research area.
The ERA-Net NEURON particularly wishes to promote integrated, multidisciplinary approaches and to encourage translational research proposals combining basic and clinical research.